Kohler Highline Toilet Review: Comfort Height Elongated Toilet


Kohler Highline Toilet Review Img

I just installed this new Kohler Highline toilet in my master bathroom today, and it’s absolutely phenomenal! It’s such a step up from the previous toilet that I had in my bathroom, which was old, small, and struggled to function anymore. I needed a new toilet and I think I made the right choice in choosing this one.

It has all the right features for me and for my bathroom, especially because I’m left-handed, and this toilet offers a left-sided flush handle. It’s elongated, whereas my previous toilet was round, and I certainly prefer the way that this Kohler Highline toilet is shaped. Plus, it’s a little higher than a standard toilet, which makes it super comfortable to sit on, which is something I really like. This is a great choice overall. Here are some key features of the Highline toilet.

Kohler Highline Toilet Review and Features

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